Invest in Our Community
Ways to Get Involved
There are approximately 2,500 adults in La Plata County that do not have high school diplomas and nearly 10 percent of our population does not speak English at home. We can increase the strength of our economy and our ability to grow and attract high-wage employers by investing in education. It also is good for our government budgets since workers with higher incomes contribute more through taxes. With your help, we can build a stronger economy through a more educated workforce. Here’s how you can get involved to help make a difference:
• Make a financial contribution
Education Builds a Stronger Economy
Our community can build a foundation for economic success and shared prosperity by investing in education. Our goal at the DAEC is to assist those with disadvantaged backgrounds by providing the education and tools they need to be highly productive, but we cannot do this alone. We need your help. Together we can create positive change in our community. When we provide easier access to high quality education, it not only expands economic opportunity for residents, it also builds a stronger economy for everyone.
Education Reduces Crime
A more educated workforce reduces crime and other costs associated with incarceration. As an example, it is estimated that by increasing male graduation rates by 5 percentage points, overall national annual incidences of assault would be decreased by nearly 60,000; larceny by more than 37,000; motor vehicle theft by more than 31,000 and burglaries by more than 17,000. It could also prevent nearly 1,300 murders and 3,800 occurrences of rape.
DAEC’s Track Record
DAEC’s track record for longevity and quality programming allows us to standout among our competitors. We’re known for our GED excellence, surpassing state and national passing rates and allowing students to make educational leaps.
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Some Facts About Community Involvement
Volunteerism and support from others such as businesses and philanthropists are vital to the health of a community. When people invest time and money in local non-profits, more resources can be allocated to the organization’s mission and the people who benefit from it. At the DAEC, your involvement with us helps to unite people from diverse backgrounds with the common goal of a better education, which in turn promotes a stronger economy through a more skilled workforce.