Spellebration Round 1 Words
Spellebration Teams here are the Round 1 Words for you to practice! We are looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday January 29 at the Powerhouse and we wish you all GOOD LUCK!
1. assuasive as·sua·sive ə-ˈswā-siv adj, having a pleasantly soothing
quality or efect.
The background music in the spa had an assuasive efect on Stella.
2. tissular tis·su·lar ˈti-shə-lər of, relating to, or affecting tissue
The tissular skin grafts were ugly to look at.
3. humerus hu·mer·us ˈhyü-mə-rəs n, A large bone found in the arm
He broke his humerus in three places as a result of his epic wipe out.
4. tilde til·de ˈtil-də n, a mark placed over a letter to indicate its sound.
The tilde completed the spelling of the word in the spelling bee.
5. roulette rou·lette rü-ˈlet n, a gambling game in which players bet on
which compartment of a revolving wheel a small ball will come to rest in.
Their strategy was to bet all black at the roulette table.
6. streusel streu·selˈstrü-səl n, a crumbly topping for coffee cakes.
Her pecan streusel was famous in the small town.
7. torrent tor·rent ˈtȯr-ənt n, a rapid stream of water.
The town was overwhelmed by the torrent of water consuming Main
8. fiducial fi·du·cial fə-ˈdü-shəl adj, based on faith or trust.
The mortgage broker had fiducial responsibility to her clients.
9. nougat nou·gat ˈnü-gət n, A confection of nuts or fruit pieces in a
sugar paste.
The sweet nougat center was her favorite part of the candy.
10. exoneree ex·on·er·ee ig-ˌzä-nə-ˈrē n, a person who is shown to be
not guilty of a crime for which he or she was formerly found guilty.
The exoneree breathed a heavy sigh of relief as the doors to the
courtroom opened and she was finally free.